
Policy and Advocacy Initiative

In 2023, RCD launched our Policy and Advocacy Initiative to deepen our engagement in the creation of new policies and funding mechanisms for building and preserving affordable housing. The Initiative leverages RCDs experience developing and operating resident- and community-serving affordable housing to champion and support reforms that meaningfully address the housing affordability crisis.  

RCD’s Policy Manager shares comments at a local planning commission meeting

Current Focus Areas

Preserving Affordable Homes: Berkeley’s Transfer Tax Exemption

Every RCD property undergoes periodic renovations to ensure our residents have safe, high-quality housing for generations to come. However, these improvements often require complex refinancing that can trigger significant property transfer taxes – up to $11,000 per unit in Berkeley. These costs reduce the funding available for actual renovation work and make it challenging to compete for limited state resources. 

There’s good news: Berkeley District 4 Councilmember Igor Tregub has introduced a resolution to study exempting 100% affordable housing developments from these taxes. This exemption would help RCD and other affordable housing providers upgrade amenities for residents and ensure the long-term preservation of affordable homes across Berkeley.  

📬 A link to: Sign up to receive timely updates about how you can support this transfer tax exemption and other crucial affordable housing initiatives.

Creating a Streamlined Financing System

Currently, affordable housing developments must apply to multiple state financing agencies to obtain subsidies, bonds, and tax credits. Each application process is extremely complex and competitive – adding additional costs and delaying the construction of affordable homes.  

RCD advocates for a “one stop shop” approach where a developer can submit a single application to receive all state funding necessary to construct a new development. This process would significantly reduce the cost and time of building new homes.  

📚  A link to: Learn more about the idea of a “one stop shop” for affordable housing funding. 

📚 Read our letter to state agencies advocating for coordinated scoring to expedite the construction of affordable housing. 

📣 A link to: Take action by participating in upcoming Little Hoover Commission hearings on creating a new statewide Housing and Homelessness Agency. 

Incentivizing Sustainable Supportive Housing

Permanent supportive housing is deeply affordable housing with wraparound supportive services on-site. It’s a proven solution that helps people who are experiencing homelessness receive the support they need to stay healthy and housed long-term. 

Sustaining and scaling permanent supportive housing requires investment in these critical services that support resident well-being. When developments lack the operational and services funding necessary to meet resident needs over the long-term, it undermines our efforts to expand the supply of supportive housing and erodes public trust in the effectiveness of the model.  

RCD collaborates with our partners across the housing and homelessness response ecosystem to ensure that supportive housing is financed, resourced, and administered in a manner that helps residents thrive and transforms our communities for the better. 

📚 A link to: Learn more about best practices in funding supportive services.

📚 Read a summary of our work with the Non-Profit Housing Association’s Bay Area Permanent Supportive Housing Coalition.

📣 Take action by getting involved with your local Continuum of Care in A link to: Alameda County or A link to: Contra Costa County – we’ll see you there! 

2025 State Budget and Legislative Priorities

In 2025, we’re urging the Legislature to make significant investments and take decisive actions to boost affordable housing production. Our priority issues are: 

1. Increasing funding for affordable housing 
   ✔️ Expand investments in the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities program 
Maintain budget investments in the Multifamily Housing Program 
Explore an affordable housing bond on the 2026 ballot 

2. Lowering new development costs 
   ✔️ Ensure continued state investment in an efficient housing finance system
   ✔️ Streamline state permitting processes 
   ✔️  Require utilities to prioritize affordable housing for connection to the electrical grid 

3. Ensuring operational sustainability
   ✔️  Make housing-related Community Supports a Medi-Cal benefit 
   ✔️  Provide financial and administrative support to Continuums of Care 
   ✔️  Support flexible financing terms on state soft loans for insurance-impacted projects 

          📚 A link to: Learn more about RCD’s specific legislative recommendations to address these housing challenges.

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